Photos: Exclusive – New Ramova Theater Rehabbing Photographs. When Completed The Ramova Theater Is A Game Changer!

Neighborhood Journal was granted access inside the Ramova Theater to photograph the 28 Million Dollar theater rehabbing taking place. Words alone cannot describe how enormous the Ramova Theater rehabilitation taking place is. McHugh Construction has their work cut out for them.

We hope the photographs depict the magnitude of the theater restoration taking place. We also hope to show some cool Chicago movie theater history that once was.

Set To Open Before Summer 2023

Once competed the New Ramova Theater is a game changer for not only Bridgeport and the surrounding neighborhoods, but also for Chicago itself. The 1,800 people venue will host great music, amazing artists, a state of the art brewery and of course a renewed Ramova Grill.

Neighborhood Journal Was There When It all Began

Neighborhood Journal was there covering the very fist community meeting about planes for the New Ramova Theater. The meeting held in the packed basement of Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church.

Neighborhood Journal also covered the New Ramova ground breaking.

Lobby entrance into the theater.
Original Movie Projector located on the 2nd floor.
Projector hole used to show movies through from the projector room onto the big screen.
Original projectors used to show movies. Located on the 2nd floor.
This contraption, (a dimmer) located on the 2nd floor next to the projectors was used to turn the lights on, off and dim in the theater.
Ticket sale booth
Looking into the Theater
Theater with stage on left

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