Ireland Police Superintendent travels to Bridgeport to meet Chicago Hero – CPD Officer Danny Golden

Across the pond, Ireland’s Police Superintendent Eddie Golden read about Chicago Police Officer Danny Golden who was paralyzed in a shooting. He wanted to meet Danny and contacted some friends in Chicago to arrange a meeting. On Monday evening at Cork & Kerry At The Park in Bridgeport they met.

The weather was perfect, the bar packed with family, friends, and neighbors of Danny. The Bagpipes & Drums of the Emerald Society filled the walls with Irish music as the drums beat lightly, the bagpipes played softly as they marched slowly through the narrow isle to honor Danny. A humbling experience felt by all.

Pictured: Fr. Bill McFarlane Chicago Fire Department Chaplain, Ireland Police Superintendent Eddie Golden, Danny Golden, Patrick Golden, and the 2022 Queen of Chicago St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Kelly Leyden who is also a Chicago Police Officer.
Pictured left to right: Eddie Golden Ireland Police Superintendent and Danny Golden
Pat Golden, father of Danny Golden pictured with former Cook County States Attorney Anita Alvarez.

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Danny Golden’s story has touched all of us and the outpour of support from total strangers proves there are many wonderful people in the World.

Danny’s father Patrick and his uncle Kevin who grew up on 34th & Marshfield in McKinley Park are pictured with the Bagpipes & Drums of the Emerald Society.

On Thursday September 22 Danny Golden will throw out the 1st Pitch at the Chicago White Sox Game.

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