Halsted Street 1984 – throbbing with life, pulsating as the vital artery of the Bridgeport business community. The street a hive of activity, bustling with people immersed in their shopping endeavors, traversing the unassuming establishments that adorned its path.

And then, a momentous event unfolded. For decades, Halsted Street suffered the apathy of officials, witnessing the gradual demise of businesses, the emergence of desolate lots, and the ominous ascent of criminal activities.
Two photographs captured nearly four decades apart vividly depict the striking contrast between the bustling business activity that once characterized Halsted Street and its present-day appearance.

At present, the tally stands at an astonishing 27 shuttered storefronts and 16 vacant plots strewn across its expanse, including the once famous Bridgeport Restaurant itself. Unfortunately, businesses on Halsted now perish with alarming celerity.
Working To Revitalize Halsted Street
In 2005, in the midst of the deterioration plaguing Halsted Street, Maureen Sullivan, a lifelong resident of Bridgeport, founded “Save the Ramova” and rallied support, amassing 5,000 signatures for the cause.
After wining the 11th Ward seat former 11th Ward Alderman Patrick Thompson, crafted a blueprint with the intention of rekindling the spirit of Halsted Street. He vowed to breathe new life into this forlorn stretch. During his tenure as Alderman (2015 -2021), thirteen new businesses burst onto Halsted Street and he spearheaded the grandest redevelopment project in the history of the 11th Ward – the Redevelopment of the Ramova that is expect to open in the summer of 2023.
Community Meeting and Involvement
The inaugural community gathering for the Ramova renovation occurred on November 19, 2019, within the basement of the Nativity Of Our Lord Church. A significant turnout of approximately 500 individuals witnessed the presentation of the renovation blueprint and actively participated by providing valuable input and feedback.

Ramova Groundbreaking November 2021
The Ramova breaks ground on the 23 million dollar project in November 2021.
Exclusive Photos of Inside the Ramova Rehabbing

Neighborhood Journal has been following the facts and reporting on the Ramova Renovation from the beginning.
Ramova Project Experiences Turbulence
Unfortunately, the Ramova project encountered an unforeseen squall when it found itself short of a few million dollars. In July of 2022, Alderman Scott Waguespack of the 32nd Ward introduced an Ordinance to the city council, beseeching an additional 2.1 million dollars. Alderwoman Nicole Lee and her fellow council members rallied in favor of this supplementary allocation.

Once Ramova Opens Hasted Street Will Attract New Businesses
The impending opening of Ramova is slated for the summer. The mere presence of the Ramova is bound to ignite a surge of entrepreneurial activity, attracting a myriad of fresh businesses to flourish along Halsted Street. This long-awaited development marks a turning point for this struggling stretch, as it prepares to catapult into a vibrant and thriving hub of energy again.
Despite the absence of a comprehensive revitalization plan for this troubled area so far, the community eagerly anticipates an upcoming dedicated community meeting where they can review and contribute valuable input.
The vast potential of the Ramova can transcend the confines of Bridgeport, and resonates deeply within the City of Chicago itself.
Coming Soon –
The Neighborhood Journal Printed News Paper

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