Earth Day is April 22. Let’s make a difference in our Neighborhood.

April 22 is Earth Day. What better time to help the community with a Neighborhood Cleanup. A neighborhood cleanup enhances neighborhood quality of life and will instill pride in our community. Let’s take this opportunity to help clean up our neighborhood during the week of April 17 to April 24. Please help in the cleanup if you can.

Little things make a big difference.  

Yogi berra

An individual helping alone or with a neighbor.

One person’s help for an hour makes a difference. There is power in numbers. Image if there were 1000 individuals helping for an hour. Each person cleaning around the outside of their home, picking up trash from the lawn and alley. There would be 1000 hours of neighborhood cleaning going on in your community. And the results would be amazing. It can happen.

Block cleanups work great as well.

Some tips on organizing a block cleanup

  • Reach out to neighbors. – A block cleanup will only be successful if everyone on your block knows about the event and is excited to clean.
  • Create a volunteer event online.
  • Get supplies (plastic bags, gloves etc.)
  • Get the word out. – One week before the cleanup make sure you let your neighbors know what’s going on.

Please share this with your neighbors and ask them if they would like to help make their community great.

Let’s shine the light on that person who does an incredible job in the Neighborhood Cleanup.

Let us know about the person doing an incredible job during the Neighborhood Cleanup. They are NEIGHBORHOOD HEROES. Also, send us pictures of your cleanup to;  [email protected] 

Related Article: Spring Clean up at McKinley Park Play Garden

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