Employees of the World’s Largest PR Firm Clean up McKinley Park

About 15 employees of EDELMAN, the Worlds largest public relations and marking consultancy firm volunteered their time cleaning up McKinley Park this morning. In addition to these people volunterring their morning cleaning up McKinley Park, their employer EDELMAN also made a $500.00 to the park.

Sonia Horbath of the Chicago Parks Foundation organized this morning’s Park Cleanup. The Chicago Parks Foundation is a 501c3 partner of the Chicago parks. Their mission is to build stronger communities dedicated to supporting and conserving city parks. The Chicago Park Foundation will also be at next year’s Steve Demitro Fishing Derby on July 16, 2022.

The volunteers were energetic and impressed with McKinley Park. Blanca Vazquez of EDELMAN believes McKinley Park is the best park in Chicago.

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