Hollywood Comes to McKinley Park: Exclusive Footage of New HULU TV Series in Production!

In the heart of the McKinley Park neighborhood, the online streaming giant HULU has set its sights on a new dark comedy series. For the past several days, the normally bustling 35th Street and adjacent side streets have been transformed into a cinematic stage as filming commences at the intersection of 35th & Paulina. Despite the cloak of secrecy shrouding many aspects of the production, the crew, including the assistant director, has extended a warm welcome to the Neighborhood Journal.

Entitled “The Deli Boys,” the series delves into the quirky world of two brothers, promising viewers a rollercoaster ride of dark humor and familial dynamics. While specific plot details remain under wraps, residents can anticipate more scenes to unfold within the vibrant tapestry of the McKinley Park Neighborhood, as the production continues to unravel its story.

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