Let’s Stop the Street Racing: Your input on Stoping the Madness.

Street racing in our community is out of control.  An estimated 2,500 street races were reported in our neighborhood last weekend. Videos posted on social media have gone viral in a short time depicts the lawlessness.  Some believe that no where in the United States is street racing as out of control as in our neighborhood.

Just a few examples; Police cars rushing up and down Ashland Ave with piercing sirens and blue lights flashing.  A street racer doing spins in the middle of Ashland Ave. The car spins at high rates of speed as smoke shoots out from the tires as they they burn from the rubber tires hitting pavement. A fog of smoke from the tires fills Ashland. The car almost hitting pedestrians and a light poll.  In the Mariano’s parking lot a women is attacked by an angry mob.  They can be seen destroying the car.  Jumping  up and down on her car and breaking the windows.  Street Racers flying down Archer Ave., 35th Street, 39th Street and other streets in our community until 2:30 a.m. A person described the scene as something out of the movie Mad Max.  Complete lawlessness. Residents posting on social media that they have had enough. Some have lost hope and are considering moving from the city.

Car being destroyed by a mob in Mariano’s parking lot

Steve Demitro, of McKinley Park who is an attorney frequently deals with victims of car collisions.  As a lawyer, he sees first had the permeant pain, injury and sometimes death that car crashes cause. Steve is putting together a Team to work on finding solutions to end the madness.  

The Team made up of volunteers from our community are in the process of gathering information.  The Team will not be pointing fingers of blame at elected officials but searching for solutions to end the madness. An actual plan.

If you have any suggestion that you believe will help stop the street racing and make our streets safe again please let us know by filling out the form. 

Please let us know your thoughts on how to Stop the Street Racing?


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