Someone You Should Know: Neighborhood Hero Myrna Romo

Spring 2020 –  The Covid-19 Pandemic hits. People are instructed not to leave their homes.  Business, stores, and restaurants are forced to close.  Jobs are lost.  The economy is shutdown and homes are on lockdown.  Many people are not receiving any income. Some families have little food. 

Myma Romo,  who lives in McKinley Park, witnessed families going without food as a result of the pandemic and government shutdown. Instead of complaining, Myrna who works at Namaste Charter School in McKinley Park sought a solution.  Myrna put together and organized  Free Food Giveaways for the community. The food bags were provided by the USDA and other sources. Through Myrna’s leadership, volunteers were gathered and put together to help distribute the free food to those in need.   

Food distribution at Bethany Church 3532 S. Hoyne Ave in McKinley Park

In a one year period Myma organized 16 different food pop-up pantries in the McKinley Park and Gage Park area.  Each event had 300 people from the community picking up food for their families.  Thousands of people received free food. Over 4,800 people. Liz Gres nominated Myrna Romo for her great work.

Let’s shine the spot light on Myrna Romo an unsung hero. Let’ give Myrna Romo the recognition she deserves. Myrna Romo is a Neighborhood Hero!  The community thanks you!

The Neighborhood Heroes are the unsung heroes in the Bridgeport or McKinley Park neighborhoods who have done incredible things for the community or their block. All while keeping a positive attitude. Examples may include, shoveling an elderly or disabled person’s snow or cutting their grass. Volunteering in an organization benefiting the community. Cleaning up around streets or alleys, etc. Small actions can have a big impact.  We hope to shine the spotlight on them and give them recognition.

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