Neighborhood Journal TV Presents – What makes a Great Photograph with Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Charles Cherney

Wanting to know how to take that perfect picture? On Sunday January 2, at 10:00 a.m., Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Charles Cherney will be a guest on Neighborhood Journal TV.

Charles Cherney a former staff photographer for the Chicago Tribune has photographed all over the World including the Olympics and major sporting events. He currently has a studio in the Bridgeport Art Center. Charles Cherney will go over some of his photographs and will give advice on what he looks for in talking a picture.

The show will be live-streamed. A neat feature allows viewers from the Neighborhood Journal Facebook Page to ask questions while the show is live. To ask a question viewers need to be on the Neighborhood Journal Face Book Page when the show is live.

©Charles Cherney Photography

If New Years Day is the first blank page of a 365 page book, then put some pictures in there and make it a good one.

Finkl Steel 2013 ©Photo by Charles Cherney
©Charles Cherney Photography
Click on image to learn more about Steve Demitro
©Charles Cherney Photography
Finkl Steel 2013 ©Photo by Charles Cherney
©Charles Cherney Photography
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