It’s absolutely FREE, and online registration will be open soon .
Massive Fish Infusion: 2,500 Finned Contenders to Populate Lagoon Ahead of Epic Fishing Derby!
All participants in the fishing derby must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

The Steve Demitro fishing derby imparts valuable lessons about nature and conservation to children while fostering a sense of community among family, friends, and neighbors in a welcoming environment, creating an enjoyable and serene morning of fishing.

History of Fishing Derby’s at McKinley Park
Fishing derbies have a long history at McKinley, dating back to 1947. However, for many decades, they were absent from the scene. After a prolonged absence, Steve Demitro reintroduced fishing derbies at McKinley Park Lagoon several years ago, and they have enjoyed immense success ever since. The Steve Demitro Fishing Derby has earned the prestigious title of Chicago’s Best Kids Fishing Derby. This marks the fourth year of the fishing derby’s return to McKinley. Steve Demitro ensures the lagoon is stocked with a variety of fish for the Derby, including Large Mouth Bass, Channel Catfish, and Sunfish, totaling over 5000 fish stocked thus far.

Photos of prior Steve Demitro Fishing Derby’s
Related article: Information on the Steve Demitro Fishing Derby
Related article: Fishing Derby Rescheduled to July 16, 2022
Related article: Fishing Derbies at McKinley Park

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