Nominate a local Neighborhood Hero and we will shine the spotlight on them.

Summer time is here! People from the neighborhood are out volunteering and helping other people in many different ways. There are many of them in our area. Let’s give them some much needed positive attention and appreciation!

The unsung heroes can be anyone in the Armour Park, Bridgeport, Canaryville, Chinatown, McKinley Park neighborhoods who do incredible things for the community or their block.  All while keeping a positive attitude.  Example may include, cutting an elderly or disabled person’s grass. Volunteering in an organization benefiting the community. Cleaning up around streets or alleys, etc. Small actions can have a big impact.  If you know someone who makes an impact on the community or on your block and is an example for us all. The Neighborhood Hero will be announced in August. Nominate them today.

Neighborhood Hero Nomination Form

Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.

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