McKinley Park the neighborhood namesake is one of Chicago’ oldest parks. Chicago has bigger parks; Jackson Park 551 acres, Grant Park 319 acres, Lincoln Park’s 188 acres, Marquette Park’s 323 acres, and Humbolt Park’s 207 acres. But McKinley Park is one of the biggest Neighborhood Parks in Chicago. The park attracts users from surrounding neighborhood such as; Armour Park, Bridgeport, Brighton Park, Back of the Yards, Canaryville, Chinatown, and Pilsen.

McKinley Park is the cornerstone of the entire McKinley Park Neighborhood. It certainly defines the neighborhood… a blue-collar, working class, happening place.

A lot happening in the 72 Acre Green Space

Because of the size of McKinley Park it’s able to fit structures in the park that surrounding parks don’t have space for. For the most part, McKinley Park has everything all the neighborhood parks have, but the surrounding neighborhood parks don’t have everything McKinley Park has. The 72 acre park has; a field house with Two large gyms and a large auditorium. An outdoor Olympic size pool, interactive water spray, playground, outdoor ice skating rink, baseball fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, playground, dog park, nice artificial turf soccer field, and a lagoon with a gratifying nature walk. All of this is within McKinley Park. It’s not uncommon for 1st time visitors to be completely impressed. Finding it hard to believe such an enjoyable and beautiful park is tucked away in Chicago.
But there was a time at Mckinley Park, not long ago when it would not be uncommon to find an empty field-house or few participants. A pool filled with water and empty with people. Closed to the public in mid afternoon on a hot summer day. That all changed a few years back. Now, McKinley Park is one of the most active parks in Chicago. Just before Covid, in the winter of 2019 McKinley was among the top 30 parks with enrollment. Some of their programs are; Deaf and hard hearing teen programs, visual impaired adult bocci and veterans programs – yoga, table tennis, archery, volleyball, tennis taught by Chicago Park District instructors and many more. Click here for Mckinley Park programs offered by the Chicago Park District.

McKinley Park is one of the most active parks in Chicago.
McKinley Park also partners with many outside organizations that offer programming. Including but not limited to; Omega Delta baseball and softball, Chicago Police Department Risk Youth, Azecta Mens Baseball, Chip Co-Ed softball, Kids soccer, Horizon Science Academy, Simply Social Sports (S3) Lacrosse and golf.

An Amazing Dog Park

Fishing Derbies

Fishing Derbies at the McKinley Park lagoon go as far back as 1947. When Mayor Richard J. Daley became Mayor he would host annual fishing derbies at the lagoon. In the mid 70’s his son, then State Senator Richard M. Daley also hosted a few fishing derbies at McKinley Park. The fishing derbies at McKinley took a dry spell lasting several decades with no fishing derbies. Fortunately, Four yeas ago Steve Demitro reintroduced fishing derbies to McKinley Park. They have been a huge success ever since. Earning the reputation as Chicago’s Best Kids Fishing Derby and the best place to fish in Chicago next to Lake Michigan. In the last several years Steve Demitro stocked the lagoon with over 5,000 fish for his community fishing derbies, including; Large Mouth Bass, Channel Catfish and Sunfish. The fishing derby brings families, friends and neighbors together for a fun and enjoyable event. Click here for related article about Mckinley Park Fishing Derbies.
Video of Steve Demitro Fishing Derby
McKinley Park is home to Chicago’s Best Kids Fishing Derby – the Steve Demitro Fishing Derby
Beautiful Nature Walk

Outdoor Ice Rink

Video of Saturday morning Hockey at McKinley Park

Community Christmas Tree coming soon to McKinley Park
Another joyful sparkle to the park… a community Christmas Tree. The Christmas Tree will be planted in the lawn across from the field house. Each year during the holiday season the tree will be decorate with lights and ordainments. Folks can gather around the Christmas Tree, or hold outdoor events by the tree. People walking by, going to the ice rink, going in the field house will see a beautifully decorated Christmas Tree. The Christmas Tree is being donated by Steve Demitro and hopefully over time grow over 30 feet in length.