Top 10 Photos – 2022 Year in Review- Volunteer Organizations Come Through Again Making The Community Strong.

In 2022 volunteer organizations in Bridgeport, Chinatown and McKinley Park came through to help the community with events that helped our neighborhood in the difficult times of high inflation, high taxes and high crime. The worst year of record for our community.

But, these volunteer organization kept our neighborhood active and gave us all a strong sense of community.

Neighborhood Journal captured some these wonderful moments with stunning photographs. Below are only 10 photos of the events. There are many many more photos not included. But if you wish you can click on the links see more photos. We hope you enjoy the photographs and a special thanks to all the volunteer organizations for helping to make a difference in 2022.

Officer Danny Golden neighborhood gathering at Cork & Kerry At the Park
Summer concert at Bridgeport’s VFW Post 5079 with 5 bands
Nativity of Our Lord St. Patricks Day Dinner
The procession of St. Rocco going through the streets of Chinatown & Bridgeport
“Chinese Opera” Mural Unveiled
St. Jerome August 15th Tradition
American Legion William McKinley Post 52nd Memorial Day Parade
Members of the St. Joesph’s Club celebration 96 years with festival
The volunteers of the McKinley Dog Park Advisory Council held a successful 5K Bark Members

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